YouMeWe is Officially Registered in the Philippines

It is our pleasure to announce that YouMeWe is officially registered in the Philippines. Now that we have taken this step, YouMeWe will be able to do even more for children’s homes across the country. As a Japan based NPO, this is a major step towards strengthening our our work in the Philippines. We have set up a board of professionals, which includes members of the banking and business sectors. Our relationships with some of these individuals go back 20 years, and we look forward to continuing our growth together.

As a member of the American Chamber of Commerce in the Philippines, we are seeking the support of member companies in providing laptops, scholarship funds, and employment opportunities for the youth we work with. As the Philippines’ population continues to grow and its GDP continues to expand, its youth can become key members of the global information economy. We believe that the youth champions who we support have the potential to fill the critical roles of tomorrow.

Click the link below to donate to our “Language in the Cloud-Philippines” project and join us in ensuring that children can reach their full potential:


Record Breaking Volunteer Turnout


YouMeWe Impact Snapshot