CommonSense Media Balance

Our curriculum is based on the Digital Citizenship content of CommonSense Media which we translate and teach the principle in the first half of the class and then have paired it with a writing lesson on NightZookeeper which is how we re-emphasize the concept for the full lesson. Some of the YouMeWe Ambassadors come back from university to help out with the younger kids.

This weeks Digital Citizens lesson at St.Francis. New volunteers.

One of the graduates came to visit and showed us the movies she has been making using her iPhone. We are introducing her to a film director and transferring the video equipment to this home for her to utilize.

Another youth is in college studying fashion and coming to help us in the evenings on Mondays.

We have volunteer teachers from the US who are high school students teaching other high school students on the weekend.

We also work with Ruth Gilmore Ingulsrud of JOEE who is teaching the very little kids English with puppets online.

We rarely see all of the kids of the home at one time. Last week we peaked into the pod with the kids who are 2 years old to 5. So much energy and waiting to grown up and join us.


Thank you Platinum Training Consultants for the donation!


Little by Little Campaign